Everything that is small matters.
Whether that is a typo in a law, a comma in the wrong place, or something we’ve said that we regret, there is nothing more important than the little things.
The details, the ingredients in anything complex - every little piece matters.
It’s the person you met by accident and befriended that makes a bigger difference than the important one you met on purpose - and yet many of high stature are as kind and congenial as the street-corner stranger.
In recent days I’ve been both down (in the dumps, they say) but have had some great buoy-me-up moments from the kindness and openness of recently met acquaintances, and ones from long ago who thought would not remember me. Out of the blue, out of the past, or out-of-the-database, it’s amazingly beyond a ‘six degrees of separation’ stuff - it’s squinty-eye-opening stuff.
Amazing, when bright shiny things emerge from dark piles of do-do …
The year is nearly done - but as I journeyed to the office yesterday to stare down several piles of ‘urgent’, ‘must finish by end of month’ and ‘keep or shred’ that sits on my desk, I realized and reminded myself that while some of my best experiences are behind me, even better ones are out there in front of me if I’m alert, in pursuit and not abandoning the experiences, the people, and the good fortune that got me to here.
Right here, right now.
Do you hear me?
Small things and big ideas …
Good stuff Mark.
I hope you can clear off your desk and relax for a while - after all, it's Christmas and you have a week, or more, before it's back to the trenches again. Season's Greetings!